Professional florists will create an elegant bouquet in your choice of colors and flowers. Traditional roses, delicate and tropical Dendrobium orchids, Anthuriums or Lilies.
Trying to decide? We can help! Sample bouquets below.
Traditional Bridal Haku in white or with your favorite color accent - $75
French Cascade Bridal Bouquet - $295
Bridal Bouquet, either French style or hand tied - $195
White Dendrobium Orchid Bridal or guest Leis - $24
White, red or pink Micronesian Ginger Lei - $34
Unique Cigar Lei (excellent for fathers/male guests) - $35
Traditional Keepsake Black Kukui Nut leis (2) - $30
Traditional Groom's Maile Style Lei draped with white Dendrobium Orchids - $75
Professional Photography
Photos begin as you arrive, continue during the ceremony and afterwards for special formal or fun shots. Using only the newest, top of the line camera and video equipment, you will have edited professional photos or video with full reproduction rights.
Have a special photo you would like? Just ask!
Digital photography with CD - $395
DVD video edited with music - $495
Photos and video are sent to you via Dropbox
A romantic and elegant addition to any wedding!
Singer with ukulele or guitar
The beautiful Hawaiian Wedding Song, and island favorites
Your Hawaiian dream wedding begins as you step into a sparkling white 8 passenger limousine! OR a sparkling Hummer for 24 passengers… Or a Mini-Bus… We have them all!